The Book 5-5-16


Focus Groups In order to maintain a sense of priorities, occasionally, agents will be asked to be part of a focus group. Different criteria will be applied for each topic of discussion, thereby utilizing the experience of more agents. Agents are encouraged to participate when asked. NINJA Agents are expected and encouraged to participate in Ninja Installation, a four-day class offered at Parks or off site in Ft. Collins, Colorado, that focuses on relationship selling, life balance and wealth building. ( Parks Professional Development (PPD) Series Parks offers weekly training on a variety of real estate topics. All agents and especially new agents are encouraged to attend. These are two-hour classes, typically offered on Thursdays from 10am – 12 noon in the Brentwood Professional Development Center. Webinar Wednesday Weekly webinars are offered to keep agents abreast of the latest technologies and support Parks has, and all webinars can be accessed through the website.

Each office offers weekly trainings for agents.


The Principal Broker at each office will explain all commission splits and how that works based on the sales of the agent.

In order for a agent to receive their commission, the Office Manager and/or Principal Broker must receive the complete file from the agent with all required forms signed by all parties. The Office Manager and/or Principal Broker will review all closed files.

No commission checks will be cut without all signed and required documents.

The Principal Broker of each office will provide the list of required documents to the agent.

Per Tenn. Code Ann. 62-13-302(a) An agent can ONLY be paid by the Broker. Therefore, an individual licensee that has “incorporated” or “ LLC’ed” himself CANNOT be paid a commission through their LLC. The individual holds the license, not the agent’s LLC.


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