The Book 5-5-16

FLOOR TIME (cont.)

normal business hours. Each Principal Broker establishes a floor duty policy suitable for their market to handle calls or walk-ins and to assist the reception desk in answering any questions posed by the public. • Each floor duty agent should handle all calls and walk-ins with goal of satisfying the customer/client. • Schedules may be separate for weekdays and weekend duty. • Managers will orient new agents and determine when they are eligible for schedule. Agents who commit to being on the duty roster should either be at the office at the proper time, prepared to aid any client or customer with real estate related questions. If unable to take scheduled floor time, the agent should arrange for another qualified agent to cover their time.

Teams may at the Principal Brokers discretion receive only one roster spot in order to ensure that individual agents have an equal share of duty.


All mail will be paid for by the agent. It may be run through the postage meter with the proper ID code.


JumpStart All newly licensed agents who join Parks shall attend JumpStart, which is an opportunity for new agents to “jumpstart” their new career in real estate. Classes are held at the Professional Development Center, located at the Brentwood facility: 8119 Isabella Lane, Suite 105, Brentwood, TN 37027. JumpStart for agents new to real estate consists of a full day session from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The class is offered every month. Agents joining Parks and transferring their license from another company are expected to attend the session solely at the discretion of their Principal Broker.


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