The Book 5-5-16

Question: Answer:

Why do you require 5 photos?

Excellent photography is what sets apart. Considerable consumer research has shown that consumers want multiple photos of properties. In fact, the more the better. Statistically consumers do not even view properties that do not have photos. Our belief is that a site that guarantees at least 5 photos for every listing is more likely to attract that discriminating luxury consumer who is our target market.


Question: Answer:

What is LuxeXchange?

Luxe Xchange is the back end website for It allows users to add new properties, modify existing ones, order print advertising and other materials, obtain property statistics and manage agent and customer communication.

Question: Answer:

What does the status “Incomplete-Data” mean?

A property will be listed as Incomplete-Data if it does not meet any of the following conditions:

Property needs an MLS Number

• Property must have a property class (single family, condo etc)

Property must have a listing office Property must have a city name Property must have a state Price must be greater than zero


Question: Answer:

I uploaded new photos, why aren’t they showing?

If photos were newly updated on MLS and your company has a data feed, it may take a few days for the new photos to be received and processed into the system before they appear on the site. If new photos were uploaded manually, they are first reviewed before posting to the live site and are typically approved the following business day.

Question: Answer:

Why do my photos look blurry?

This is typically only an issue if your company has a data feed. In some cases, the data provided to us includes compressed or lower caliber photos. Photos can be updated/replaced manually through LuxeXchange.

Question: Answer:

I have several photos on MLS – why are only a few showing?

In some cases, we may receive a limited amount of photos through your company’s data feed (9-10 photos through MLS)


Question: Answer:

How do I order a LuxeTour?

LuxeTours are ordered through the LuxeXchange Store. Note that the LuxeTour enhancement is added automatically at no charge for listings over US $5 million. For listings under $5 million, the tours can be purchased for $25 (though the price can be reduced to as low as $10 with coupon code depending on your membership tier level.)

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