The Book 5-5-16

The Pending Form The pending form is a very important form - this form helps you get paid quickly and correctly. You can find the pending form in Dotloop and Transaction Desk forms. The pending form provides your office and the corporate office with important information to help process your commissions. When you have a BINDING contract, for either a seller or a buyer, this form is required to be turned in with your complete file to your office. Just fill in some very basic information about your closing. It is very important to note two things: 1. are there any referral fees due? This could be a relocation referral, referral fees to another agent, etc. 2. is there a reduction in the gross commission rate from 3%? If there is a reduction in the gross commission rate, please have your broker initial in the box for a reduced gross commission. This form is submitted to our corporate office and input into our system for processing sales commissions. When the corporate office receives your gross commission check, and if the pending form has not been received, the corporate office is unable to process your payment.

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