The Book 5-5-16

What happens if I lower the price of the listing below the $749,999 threshold? If the listing price is lowered below the price of $749,999 the listing will no longer appear on Luxury Portfolio What if the information is wrong on my listing? First step is to confirm the information is correct in MLS (all data feeds directly from MLS). There are some items you can change directly on LP, but some items cannot be changed. Those items would need to be changed on MLS, which will then update your listing on LP. I don’t have listings over $750,000 - what can I use? • Customized agent marketing under “Customized Marketing” offers marketing for all agents • Order Luxury Magazine for your clients - up to 25 free each year • Use the Luxury Portfolio information in your listing presentations • Use Leading RE information in your listing and buyer presentations • Agent press release • Agent resume template All these tools are available to all agents with Parks - having active listings are not required I have a luxury listing - but it’s under the $750,000 price - what can I use? • Custom listing presentation

• Luxury Lifestyle magazine (see office manager to purchase) • Blue luxury portfolio folders (see office manager to purchase) • Additional tools listed under question above

How do I order the free Luxury magazines for my clients? Each of our agents has 25 FREE subscriptions each year to gift to their clients. The magazine is customized with you information and mailed directly to your client. Log in to LP, Add your client information through My Contacts (about 2/3 down on the screen under My Contacts you will see Add Contact). Once your contact is added, you will then click on your contact, and see available options including Magazine Gift Subscriptions

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