The Book 5-5-16


Senior Living / Assisted Living Communities

Staff fielding inquiries for seniors looking to move may be willing to share their lists of these contacts.

Golf and Ski Equipment Retailers

The local ski or golf shop might know who is shopping for vacation property.

Boat Dealers

People buying a boat typically need somewhere to put it if their home isn’t in an area near water. Ask the dealer to give you a heads up. If a company has a launch party or going away party for a new office opening or employees relocating out of the area they might call a caterer.

Catering Companies

People “In the Know”

Local businesses like the dry cleaners, retail shops, coffee shops, drug store, etc…

PERSONAL CONTACTS Everyone has these…don’t be scared to use them!

Immediate and Extended Family

Holiday Card, Birth, Granduation Announcement Lists


Parents of your kids friends, playmates, teammates

Friends (from anywhere!)

Children’s teachers, coaches

Former classmates – K-12, college, and beyond – alumni groups, school reunions

Places of worship, prayer and spiritual groups

Exercise buddies

People you are with on committees / boards / volunteer groups

Friends from clubs – book clubs, investment clubs, exercise groups

Your next listing presentation / current clients



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